Tag Archives: Scheming

The Demon of Numbers

Its something everyone knows about. A world wide concern no matter how old you are, or where you live. It WILL find you.


That two, usually, three digit number is the thorn in your side that never, ever, EVER, goes away. Its the personal companion that you wish would choke and die. Unfortunately modern technology hasn’t come up with a way to do that…yet.

I mean I’m a pretty attractive, sexy (duhhh of course I’m gonna say that!) girl. I’ve been blessed with beautiful long dark hair, big hazel eyes, long legs some other good stuff,*wink*, but weight is the one thing that has always bugged me. Ive never been what you would call “obese” but I’ve also never been a stick. Of course in my own little world, I might as well be the biggest elephant known to man but that isn’t true. I have though, been tall my entire life. Luckily for me being tall has an advantage of making you seem smaller than you are…sometimes. But recently, due to, well, due to the fact that I haven’t filtered all the things I’ve choked down, I have gained a couple pounds. And I’m not loving the results.


So now here I am, realizing I need to hit the gym like nobody’s business. And I’m sure, as you all know, when you first realize you aren’t where you want to be, you work up this huge elaborate plan of how to make yourself look like a Victoria Secret model. To my experience those romantic ideas never make it full circle. But hey it was a good thought right?

And now back to that hideous number that equivilates to “you gettin chunky guurrl!” Why cant I just wish it smaller and then wake up skinnier?! Life is soo not fair.

I guess there’s nothing else to say but its elaborate scheme time! Here I come Victoria and all your secrets!

What about you??

Much Love,

Growing Up 18